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  SALE: 10% off

【No Overseas Shipping】GALLIUM Kasso PINK SW212

Item #:cd22861

Original Price:1980JPY


17.01 $(CAD)
〇→ in stock ×→ Sold out
*All size measurements on our site are in Asian sizes.


  • DHL
  • EMS
  • SF Express
We will notify you by email regarding the confirmation and changes of the shipping method.

【 Details 】


■ runway PINK SW2126

content: 50g

0 ℃ ~ + 10 ℃ / water 较多 basis Yuki质
含低 氟量

含低 氟量 solid plate 蜡
单板twin plate everyone Allowed use specific new Articles of Incorporation
snow temperature 0 ℃, water droplets, etc. 浮在 snow 这样 Yuki况
under rain 时惊 people place 发挥 发水 of