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SALE: 30% off


Item #:cd63805

Original Price:72600JPY


489.75 $(CAD)
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【 Details 】

REXXAM Ski boots

■XX-8.0 [Cross 8.0]

Flex (hardness): 90
Last (width): AutoFit M / 96-102mm (260)
size: 220-285
Forward Lean Angle: 14.0 Degree
Weight: 1,870g(265 one leg)
Color: Black
shell: Polyolefin / TPU
buckle: RX-A
inner: BX-S

R-EVO concept
RX-A buckle
Adjustable hook
23-New TWIN CANT system
MC-BLUE power belt
Active rear plate
Heel-up shock absorber
Flex control (Free)

Lightweight mogul model based on R-EVO M. Adopts a heel-up shock absorber that is effective at maintaining mogul position on bumps and absorbing shock. This is an easy-to-handle mogul-specific model with free flex specifications that help the ankle move freely. AUTO FIT-MEDIUM supports foot widths from 96mm to 102mm.

made in JAPAN
