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colltex LUCENDRO CRYSTAL NEWCOMER Cut to size Standard 185cm Camlock skin width 130mm / 19345 - 2024

Item #:cd83508

Original Price:28050JPY


187.29 $(USD)
〇→ in stock ×→ Sold out
*All size measurements on our site are in Asian sizes.


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【 Details 】


Properties (physical properties)
The tech diver structure Lucendro Skin is the latest -generation ski skin. This new fiber has been developed by Colltex for several years as a member of a specialized team, and has a very good climbing characteristics and has excellent gliding. This material is produced at a Swiss spinning factory. As the world's first attempt, this skis chin can be printed individually with a small lot.

Target Group (target user)
Lucendro is recommended for skismans who specialize in the grip power of skis skin and also emphasize gliding performance. It is also perfect for beginners and all -round ski tours.

Material: 100% techFibre
Skin color: hibiskus
Adhesion: hot melt attached technology
Weight: 111 g (6 mm x 150 cm)

DIY cut
Skin: 167cm (Ski-- 185cm)
Skin width: 130mm

※ We register product with information on the manufacturer plan. The specifications may be changed without notice.

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