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〔N〕〔HC〕【No Overseas Shipping】ZARDOZ NOT WAX POCKETPACK-G / PNW001

Item #:cd38430

Original Price:2640JPY


14.09 $(USD)
〇→ in stock ×→ Sold out
*All size measurements on our site are in Asian sizes.


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【 Details 】


■Knot Wax Pocket Pack G / PNW001

Specifications: Plastic bottle/felt
Capacity: 15g

Uses 100% pure liquid fluorine.
Knot wax can be used at all snow temperatures, but it exhibits particularly high gliding performance on wet snow.
It has very high durability and protects the sliding surface from abrasion for a long time.

It is also excellently compatible with hot waxing, and hot waxing is performed after knot waxing with pure paraffin wax (wax that does not contain fluorine etc.). , If you reapply knot wax after scraping, it will perform much better than the case where each is used alone

Easy to use.
Just soak the included felt with knot wax and apply it to the base

The package color etc. have changed from this season, but the contents remain the same, super easy to apply and super slippery. Please try it! !